Crime Stoppers encourages anyone with information about the cases featured below to submit a web tip.
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Name: Bradley Alexander McColloch
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 07/06/1994   Age: 30
Height: 6ft2in   Weight: 250
Hair: Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: 24S131787
Last Known Location: Lady's Island, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 11/04/2024
On November 11, 2024, 30-year-old Bradley McColloch was reported missing by family members after they had not seen him in nearly a week. 
Family reported last seeing McColloch on November 4 around 4:00 p.m. as he was walking along Sea Island Parkway near the Beaufort County Convenience Center on St. Helena Island, SC. 
McColloch has not been seen or heard from since. 
Last Seen Wearing: Black hoodie, tan cargo pants, and boots. 
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Name: Kenneth Eric Jenkins Jr.
Gender: Male   Race: Black
DOB: 11/24/1970   Age: 54
Height: 5ft10in   Weight: 220
Hair: Black   Eyes: Brown
Case: 17S203654
Last Known Location: St Helena Island, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 09/18/2017
On September 18, 2017, family members reported 22-year-old Kenneth Eric Jenkins Jr. of St. Helena Island missing. They said Kenneth hadn’t been seen since the morning two days prior and last spoke to him that same evening when Kenneth said he was on a date in Bluffton.
When family members spoke to investigators, they said Kenneth was always accessible whether on his cellphone or social media apps. They said it was not like him to not respond to her which prompted them call to the Sheriff’s Office.

Kenneth, recently having left the Army, was slated to start a new job with a construction company on the 18th. It was a job he never showed up for.

Evidence that was discovered in the early stages of the investigation suggests foul play was involved in Kenneth’s disappearance.

In the days, weeks and even months to follow, investigators interviewed a number of people; sometimes multiple times. Also, investigators searched areas of interest as information came in.

At the time Kenneth was reported missing, he was described as 6’1, 165 lbs., with a high top haircut. Kenneth had two tattoos, one on his chest of the outline of the state of South Carolina with the words “God Bless”, and a tattoo on his arm of his mother’s name, “Donna”.

Kenneth Eric Jenkins Jr. remains missing.

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Name: Margarita Elena Gonzalez-Almazan
Gender: Female   Race: Hispanic
DOB: 10/23/1965   Age: 59
Height: 5ft2in   Weight: 115
Hair: Black   Eyes: Brown
Case: 131202482
Last Known Location: Bluffton, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 12/01/2013
On December 1, 2013, following a dispute with her boyfriend, Osman Galicia-Escobedo, 47-year-old Margarita Gonzalez-Almazan was reported missing from her Bluffton residence by family members. 
Signs of a struggle were observed in the residence and her mobile telephone was found on the side of the road on U.S. 170 near the Lemon Island Bridge. In addition, Escobedo and Almazan’s vehicles were both missing. Early in the investigation, it was apparent that foul play was involved in Almazan's disappearance
According to witnesses, Escobedo was seen in Savannah several hours after Almazan disappeared. The same witnesses observed what appeared to be fingernail scratches on the side of Escobedo’s face. 

Those same witnesses reported that Escobedo was trying to flee the country, as he purchased a ticket at the Savannah Airport to Guatemala. That information was quickly followed up on and it was learned that Escobedo never got on that flight. 

Several days later after Almazan’s disappearance, her vehicle was found near the the Keller Flea Market in Savannah, which was within a few miles of where witnesses reported seeing Escobedo. 

Almazan’s vehicle was processed for forensic evidence, but did not reveal any information that would lead to her or Escobedo’s whereabouts. 

As it is believed the 40-year-old Escobedo traveled back to his home country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation coordinated with authorities in Guatemala to locate Escobedo, but efforts were unsuccessful.  

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Name: John Lewis Calvert
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 07/01/0961   Age: 1063
Height: 5ft6in   Weight: 150
Hair: Gray   Eyes: Hazel
Case: 080304523
Last Known Location: Hilton Head Island, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 03/04/2008
Elizabeth Calvert, and her husband, John Calvert, had not been seen or heard from since the previous day, March 3, when, according to witnesses, they had planned to meet with their accountant, Dennis Gerwing, in Sea Pines Center, Hilton Head Island. 
Investigators became suspicious that the Calverts may have met with foul play when it was discovered that the couple were to confront Gerwing about their suspicions that he had been embezzling money from the couple’s business accounts. Gerwing was interviewed and confirmed that he had a meeting with the Calverts March 3 at approximately 5:30 pm. He further advised when the meeting was over the Calverts left his office to go to dinner. Gerwing reported no confrontation or hostility during the meeting.
Gerwing’s story seemed suspicious because a few hours before the March 3 meeting with John and Elizabeth Calvert, Gerwing purchased three heavyweight 9’x12’ drop cloths from a local hardware store. Associates of Gerwing reported that this was an odd purchase, as Gerwing was not engaged in any project that would require drop cloths. In addition, and within hours after his meeting with the Calverts, Gerwing suffered a laceration to his right hand for which he bought bandages and latex gloves. The laceration had the suspicious appearance of “slide bite,” which is caused as the slide of a semi-automatic pistol travels back and forth during its discharge.

As Gerwing became the focus of the Calverts disappearance and pressure mounted, on March 11, he committed suicide. In a note Gerwing left behind, he admitted to embezzling money from the Calverts and others. There was nothing in the note confirming his involvement in their disappearance nor was there any denial that he was responsible.

John and Elizabeth Calvert remain missing.


Beaufort County Sheriff's Office website

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Name: Elizabeth White Calvert
Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 04/27/1962   Age: 62
Height: 5ft4in   Weight: 120
Hair: Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: 080304523
Last Known Location: Hilton Head Island, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 03/04/2008
Elizabeth Calvert, and her husband, John Calvert, had not been seen or heard from since the previous day, March 3, when, according to witnesses, they had planned to meet with their accountant, Dennis Gerwing, in Sea Pines Center, Hilton Head Island. 
Investigators became suspicious that the Calverts may have met with foul play when it was discovered that the couple were to confront Gerwing about their suspicions that he had been embezzling money from the couple’s business accounts. Gerwing was interviewed and confirmed that he had a meeting with the Calverts March 3 at approximately 5:30 pm. He further advised when the meeting was over the Calverts left his office to go to dinner. Gerwing reported no confrontation or hostility during the meeting.
Gerwing’s story seemed suspicious because a few hours before the March 3 meeting with John and Elizabeth Calvert, Gerwing purchased three heavyweight 9’x12’ drop cloths from a local hardware store. Associates of Gerwing reported that this was an odd purchase, as Gerwing was not engaged in any project that would require drop cloths. In addition, and within hours after his meeting with the Calverts, Gerwing suffered a laceration to his right hand for which he bought bandages and latex gloves. The laceration had the suspicious appearance of “slide bite,” which is caused as the slide of a semi-automatic pistol travels back and forth during its discharge.

As Gerwing became the focus of the Calverts disappearance and pressure mounted, on March 11, he committed suicide. In a note Gerwing left behind, he admitted to embezzling money from the Calverts and others. There was nothing in the note confirming his involvement in their disappearance nor was there any denial that he was responsible.

John and Elizabeth Calvert remain missing.


Beaufort County Sheriff's Office website

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Name: Toby Jermel Bing
Gender: Male   Race: Black
DOB: 09/30/1980   Age: 44
Height: 5ft8in   Weight: 155
Hair: Black   Eyes: Brown
Last Known Location: Bluffton, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 02/18/1999
On February 18, 1999, 22-year-old Elshawndrae Devon Jones and 18-year-old Toby Bing were reported missing, after last being seen leaving a family member’s home to meet with unknown subjects in Bluffton.
Their disappearance quickly became suspicious, as It was learned by investigators that Jones was involved in sales of illegal drugs and may have been engaged in a drug deal at the time of his and Bing’s disappearance.

Investigators discovered that, shortly before the disappearance, Jones received a telephone call from and was to meet a subject named Sean Sullivan at Sullivan’s residence in Bluffton.

An examination of Sullivan’s Hyon Road residence revealed that violence had occurred on his front porch, as an area with large amount of dried blood was discovered under the porch and the mobile home’s siding showed it had been recently cleaned with a bleach type substance.

In addition, the vehicle driven by Jones and Bing was discovered abandoned in Downtown Savannah. A video of subjects parking Jones’s car was obtained but was of poor quality; no identification could be made from the video.

As the investigation continued, DNA analysis of the blood discovered beneath Sullivan’s front porch was performed and matched the known profile of Toby Bing.

Based on this evidence, investigators charged Sullivan in the murder of Toby Bing. Those charges were later dismissed in the interest of federal prosecution of Sullivan for drug conspiracy.

In the federal trial, testimony was offered that Sullivan and a close associate, Kenneth Campbell, lured Jones and Bing to Sullivan’s Hyon Road residence on February 18 and murdered them. Ultimately, Sullivan and Campbell, who was also tried in federal court on the drug conspiracy, were both convicted.

Sullivan and Campbell are currently serving sentences in federal prison.

Although Jones’s DNA was not found at the crime scene, it is believed he met the same fate as Bing.

The bodies of Jones and Bing have not been recovered.

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Name: Elshawndrae Devon Jones
Gender: Male   Race: Black
DOB: 09/21/1976   Age: 48
Height: 6ft4in   Weight: 195
Hair: Black   Eyes: Brown
Last Known Location: Bluffton, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 02/18/1999
On February 18, 1999, 22-year-old Elshawndrae Devon Jones and 18-year-old Toby Bing were reported missing, after last being seen leaving a family member’s home to meet with unknown subjects in Bluffton.
Their disappearance quickly became suspicious, as It was learned by investigators that Jones was involved in sales of illegal drugs and may have been engaged in a drug deal at the time of his and Bing’s disappearance.

Investigators discovered that, shortly before the disappearance, Jones received a telephone call from and was to meet a subject named Sean Sullivan at Sullivan’s residence in Bluffton.

An examination of Sullivan’s Hyon Road residence revealed that violence had occurred on his front porch, as an area with large amount of dried blood was discovered under the porch and the mobile home’s siding showed it had been recently cleaned with a bleach type substance.

In addition, the vehicle driven by Jones and Bing was discovered abandoned in Downtown Savannah. A video of subjects parking Jones’s car was obtained but was of poor quality; no identification could be made from the video.

As the investigation continued, DNA analysis of the blood discovered beneath Sullivan’s front porch was performed and matched the known profile of Toby Bing.

Based on this evidence, investigators charged Sullivan in the murder of Toby Bing. Those charges were later dismissed in the interest of federal prosecution of Sullivan for drug conspiracy.

In the federal trial, testimony was offered that Sullivan and a close associate, Kenneth Campbell, lured Jones and Bing to Sullivan’s Hyon Road residence on February 18 and murdered them. Ultimately, Sullivan and Campbell, who was also tried in federal court on the drug conspiracy, were both convicted.

Sullivan and Campbell are currently serving sentences in federal prison.

Although Jones’s DNA was not found at the crime scene, it is believed he met the same fate as Bing.

The bodies of Jones and Bing have not been recovered.

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Name: Kaye Frances Reid Hamilton
Nickname: AKA: Kaye H. Coley; Kaye Reid; Kaye Reid Hamilton; Kay F. Hamilton; Deanne B. Hamilton; Deanne B. Reid; Deanne Mickens; Kaye B. Hamilton; Kaye S. Hamilton; Michelle Monique Mickens; B. Reid
Gender: Female   Race: Black
DOB: 01/25/1958   Age: 67
Height: 5ft2in   Weight: 130
Hair: Black   Eyes: Brown
Last Known Location: Yemassee, Beaufort County, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 11/17/1995
On November 17, 1995, 37-year-old Kaye Hamilton was reported missing from her residence on Jenkins Road in Yemassee by her grandmother, after last being seen on or about November 3.
Investigators learned that Hamilton may have been associated with subjects known to be involved in sales of illegal drugs and those subjects believed she was keeping law enforcement officers informed on their activities. She was not. 
Those persons of interest were investigated, but no evidence to link them to her disappearance has been found.

Examination of Hamilton’s residence revealed the presence of forensic evidence to suggest foul play was involved in her disappearance.

Kaye Hamilton remains missing.

Beaufort County Sheriff's Office website

The Doe Network website

Current Age: 67 (as of 01/2025)

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Name: April Irene Vlk
Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 04/14/1954   Age: 70
Height: 5ft4in   Weight: 180
Hair: Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: 910038173
Last Known Location: Seaside Villa Apts, Hilton Head Island, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 10/23/1991
On October 23, 1991, 37-year-old April Vlk was reported missing from her Sea Side Villas apartment in Hilton Head by her father, after last having been seen on September 17.
It was learned that on the date of her disappearance, Vlk had a disagreement with her boyfriend, who told her to leave the apartment.
Witnesses at a local church reported that a barefoot female matching Vlk’s description visited and asked for a piece of cardboard to use for a hitchhiking sign.
Those witnesses advised that the woman wrote Washington, DC on the cardboard and told them she was leaving Hilton Head. Witnesses reported that they gave the barefooted woman twenty dollars to buy shoes at Wal-Mart. Witnesses stated that the woman, believed to be Vlk, then left the church and they did not see her again.

Vlk has not been seen or heard from since.

It is not known whether she successfully hitchhiked off of Hilton Head Island or met with foul play.

Current Age: 71 (as of 01/2025)

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Name: Paul Leonard Baker
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 06/29/1983   Age: 41
Hair: Blonde   Eyes: Blue
Last Known Location: Shell Point residence in Burton, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 03/05/1987

On March 5, 1987, 3-year-old Paul Baker was reported missing from his Shell Point residence by his stepmother, Susan Baker.

She advised deputies that he must have wandered from the residence, while she was under the influence of alcohol/drugs and taking a nap.

Susan Baker’s story was highly suspicious and during the investigation it was learned Paul Baker and his 6-year-old sister were physically abused by her on a regular basis. Ultimately, Susan Baker was charged with the assaults on Baker’s 6-year-old sister and convicted.

There have been reports on the whereabouts of Paul Baker over the years, but none have revealed his remains. Susan Baker and James Baker, the biological father of Paul Baker, eventually moved to Chipley, Florida, where in 2000 a cold case investigation led to charges on both Susan and James Baker for neglect in the disappearance of Paul Baker.

They were extradited to Beaufort County, where the charges were later dismissed. They both returned to Florida. In 2009, a 7-month-old infant was abducted and Florida authorities identified Susan Baker as a likely suspect. The infant was found alive five days later, after being hidden in a box under a bed by Susan Baker. She was charged, convicted and is currently serving time for the infant’s abduction.

Susan Baker remains the person of interest in Paul Baker’s disappearance.

Last Seen Wearing: A camouflage shirt, a blue jacket, red pants and gray sneakers.
Distinguishing Characteristics: One of Paul's teeth was pushed into his gum at the time he disappeared. He has scars on his right index finger and on his chin.
Current Age: 41 (as of 01/2025)
Beaufort County Sheriff's Office website 
Additional Photo: Paul Leonard Baker, Age-progression to age 22.
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Name: Kristina Joanne Porco
Nickname: Krissi
Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 06/30/1970   Age: 54
Height: 5ft8in   Weight: 140
Hair: Brown   Eyes: Brown
Last Known Location: Hilton Head Island, SC
Missing Persons As Of: 11/29/1986
On November 29, 1986, 16-years-old Kristina Porco (16-years-old) was reported as runaway by her mother following a domestic dispute at their Woodlake Villas, Hilton Head Island apartment. Her mother advised that, after an argument, she left the apartment and did not return. 
A female friend reported getting a telephone call from Porco after the argument asking her to meet her at the pool area of the apartment complex. When the friend arrived, she was unable to locate Porco, but did find her red sweater draped over a lawn chair in the pool area.
There were numerous witnesses to strained relationships in the Porco home. Investigators learned that, shortly after Porco stormed out of the family’s apartment, her father drove around looking for her for a few hours. His actual whereabouts during that time frame were never established.

Porco left on foot with no money or extra clothing. After her disappearance, her savings account containing a few hundred dollars, was never accessed.

She remains missing.

Last Seen Wearing: An orange sweatshirt, light blue jeans and white sneakers.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Kristina wore artificial fingernails at the time of her 1986 disappearance, and her ears are pierced. 
Current Age: 54 (as of 01/2025)
Beaufort County Sheriff's Office website
Additional Photo: Second photo shows Age-Progression to age 33.
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